Back to School 2024
1)Promotion is available until 2 Sep 2024.
2) Participants are entitled to receive a designated number of complimentary class-credits by purchasing Flexi Progress, Flexi Essential or Flexi Max package within promotion period.
3) Complimentary class credits from Flexi Progress and Flexi Essential will be valid for 6 weeks (from the date of purchase). Complimentary class credits from Flexi Max will be valid for 3 months (from the date of purchase). All complimentary class credits will share the same single-location assess as the Flexi Pack purchased in this promotion.
4) Complimentary class credits will be added into the account with 24 hours after eligible purchase.
5) Flexi Pack purchases and associated offers are non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash.
6) Any dispute connected in any way with this promotion will be resolved by TeamX at its absolute discretion.
7) Where there is conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the English version prevails.
1) 優惠期至2024年9月2日。
2) 參加者於優惠期內購買Flexi Progress,Flexi Essential或Flexi Max即可獲贈指定數目的課堂點數。
3) 透過購買Flexi Progress及Flexi Essential獲贈的課堂點數有效期為6個星期(購買日起計算),而透過購買Flexi Max獲贈的課堂點數有效期為3個月(購買日起計算)。所有獲贈的課堂點數只限於個別TeamX中心使用,並與透過此次活動購買的Flexi套票使用權一致。
4) 所有獲贈的課堂點數會於Flexi套票購買後24小時內加到參加者的帳戶內。
5) 已購買的Flexi Pack 當中之服務及此活動之禮遇不可退款及不可兌換現金。
6) 如有任何爭議,概以TeamX的最終決定為準。
7) 如英文及中文版本有任何不符,概以英文版本為準。